Monday, October 19, 2015

Unrelated thoughts

It's probably due to blogs, tweets and posts that have affect me to think every coherent thought I think is worth be read by someone else. This trait might be genetic. My parents are eloquent, thoughtful writers. My husband enjoy getting a laugh out of an overly descriptive phrase or a thesaurus abuse paragraph written by my mom or dad but from this entry I am proof that this writing choice might be genetic, just know I am self aware.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Agents of SHIELD

Jemma Simmons is like the scientific Hermione Granger, both I love immensely

Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Bishop's Wife

This was an excellent read, not only for the plotlines that kept me entertained and interested but the cultural references to Mormon Utah, specifically the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and religious aspects. There a few religious points I don't think accurately reflect the Mormon church but the cultural aspects were extremely well written.


My favorite thing about this series is that it fits nicely as a prequel to Matched. Now I am working on these books separately. (I'm done with Matched and Crossed but I haven't read Reached)
I also am only part way through Prized (book two of the Birthmarked city)

Spoiler! (Ok all book reviews have spoilers including all of mine) Birthmark has a huge motivation behind reproductive assignment matching if you will? Because of inbreeding and the Matched society is measured about everything. Insane calculations. Not a far leap to thing the Enclave in Birthmarked a few hundred years later is the Society in Matched.