Ok Ok this was just hilarious for me. This chapter was all about the gender stereotypes that my partner and I totally kill. The whole time I was reading this chapter I was laughing and telling him. "Honey, you are so the girl!" haha. He didn't take offense, we just talked about how we both have such different gender roles.
Yeah we look pretty normal. He's Mr. Football and loves watching and playing sports, while I do the girl things, I love chick flicks, and scrap booking but when it comes to our gender roles we don't do everything 'right'. We find ourselves with different points of view but its how we talk through our problems that shows our we've switched roles. He can't operate when we are in a state of discontent, he'll do whatever it takes to talk about it, get it out in the open, deal with it and get over it. I hate talking while I'm emotional, I would rather avoid the conflict until I can confirm my position and talk about it with out being emotional.
On Page 210 Paige described to me exactly how Tate feels about me sometimes. It was so great for me to read about the other side. We have traditional problems but not for traditional reasons.
I can totally relate. With any relationship I have been in, I tend to be more feminine and it's fine. Even with my family, I look at my 7 brothers and they are all very masculine and I am not.