Veronica Mars season 4 *SPOILERS* thoughts for when you just finished - sorry they are unpolished right now
- Dick and Trina Hollywood couple - so much in common. Orphaned, only surviving siblings
- No way Leo makes the FBI after selling evidence in the Lilly Kane murder, Leo and Logan should feel responsible for Aaron getting off the hook. Why aren't they more upset about this?
- Veronica, new kid has to make friends, maybe she gets stranded with no phone or money and has to make friends to get home. Solves some problems along the way. Sherlock-esq
- Vm ending vs Buffy ending, not as noir but definitely fatal
- Vm needs some confidence plays like fake being a teacher or new employee, like Catch me if you can, that's part of the reason we loved her is the improvised or acting bits like Alias
- Now they can take underdog cases, not based just on $
Take cases like wrongful terminations for The Help stealing or whatever
- Matty is not to be trusted
- Matty's computer friend does something stupid to try to impress her
- Matty's pawned ring causes problems
- Matty's mom
- The thought of Keith losing his mind was way more heartbreaking for me than the death of Logan. I know I know it's not a popular opinion. I think for a fictional character Logan moved throught the whole arc and as a person, he had a happy ending. Sad for Veronica but rather perfect for him. . . . again where does this leave TRINA?
- Matty becomes a big bad guy like I'm Bones
- There still is a lower class just outside of Neptune, large homelessness problem
Vm needs to be accountability let to someone like her dad, Logan or whateverVM goes under cover
- Logan leaves VM some mysterious property trina or a naval mystery as his wife like the mail goes to Trina, then to VMs old apartment and finally is sent to her new place in Atlanta or wherever she is staying.
- His life insurance sets up VM but there is a problem
- Weevil hires her to find his kid
- Fitzpatrick's and Clyde
- VM gets tricked into taking the bar. . . .for some reason. Her and Cliff get close
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