Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Day Zero

So I'm starting on a bad day. My kids were up in the night. My baby is sick and so is my husband and I rationalized that I needed to eat poorly to have a better day.

Brutal Honesty yes, I think eating junk food made me feel numb and kinda felt like I checked a box somehow but the guilt is strong. Personal experiment. Going to resist the urge to snack and not eart sugary treats tomorrow by staying really busy. Drinking lots of water and reading my scriptures. 

A Slob Comes Clean - Weightloss

I love Dana K White for home management. Let me be more specific. I love her books. Decluttering at the speed of light and How to manage your home when it's an overwhelming mess. 
You can get all the same information from her blog, podcast, YouTube channel, etc. but her books are distilled wisdom. It's all laid out without any fluff (but not taking out her folksy stories and funny commentary). 

So I think her philosophy can be applied to weight loss. It might be a stretch right now but I'll see what I can do.  
She says do the dishes, for me. It's Not Even One, regarding sweets. I just can't handle it. If I have even one then I quickly have 12. 
Not even one.